What is it?
The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention System (LLI) is an intensive, small-group, supplementary literacy intervention for students who find reading and writing difficult. The goal of LLI is to lift the literacy achievement of students who are not achieving grade-level expectations in reading. The LLI systems are designed to:
- Advance the literacy learning of students not meeting grade-level expectations in reading
- Deepen and expand comprehension with close reading
- Elevate the expertise of teachers
- Increase reading volume by engaging students in large amounts of successful daily reading
- Increase student engagement with books that build knowledge
- Intervene with small groups of struggling readers to maximize growth
- Meet the needs of struggling readers
- Monitor student progress.
Who is it for?
The LLI systems are designed to be used with small groups of students who need intensive support to achieve grade-level competencies in grades K through 5+. It also provides strong support for students who are acquiring English as an additional language and are receiving classroom reading instruction in English. You may also decide to include students who are identified as having special needs if the content of LLI meets the educational program specifications for the student.
What is inside?
Leveled Literacy Intervention systems for Primary, Intermediate, and Upper grades all feature a wide selection of engaging, carefully written and leveled student books and fast-paced lessons designed for students who are falling below grade-level expectations in reading. Each system also includes tools to facilitate successful implementation.
How is it implemented?
When implementing LLI, the first goal is to identify the students that need intensive support to reach grade-level competencies and find the instructional reading level for each of them. For entry into LLI, it will be necessary to assess the students’ instructional and independent reading levels. The more precise the initial assessment, the more effective teaching will be.
Fountas and Pinnell recommend that schools use the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System to determine the instructional reading level for each student. For schools that do not have access to the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System, teachers can:
- Use other benchmark assessments you have in your school or district.
- Use the information from any alternative assessments used in the district.
Schools may have many students who do not meet expectations for grade-level reading, or cannot fully participate and learn from the level of instruction in the classroom. These students benefit from LLI.
In forming LLI groups, it is ideal to meet individual needs and provide the very specific instruction each reader needs to move forward. Once the instructional levels of the students are determined, small groups of readers who are similar enough that teachers can begin lessons at a particular level can be formed. The priority should be to group students efficiently and effectively so that you can teach them at the appropriate level.
Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)

The Fountas & Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention is a powerful, short-term intervention, that provides daily, intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy teaching. LLI turns struggling readers into successful readers with engaging leveled books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons.
LLI Webinar

A Classroom Management System for teaching LLI in the Middle/Secondary School Settings
Hear from Fountas and Pinnell trained consultant, Dr. Kathy Northcutt, for a 45-minute informational webinar to learn how to implement LLI and the alternative classroom management option in your school or district. Kathy will walk you through the classroom management approach which includes::
- Video examples of independent reading instruction
- Getting started with the management system
- Structure of the time period
- Forming groups
- Student rotation system
LLI Classroom Management Webinar

Hear from Fountas and Pinnell trained consultant, Dr. Kathy Northcutt, for a 45-minute informational webinar to learn how to implement LLI and the alternative classroom management option in your school or district. Kathy will walk you through the classroom management approach which includes::
- Video examples of independent reading instruction
- Getting started with the management system
- Structure of the time period
- Forming groups
- Student rotation system
The full version of this resource requires registration.
LLI Research
The authors of Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, are committed to the important role of research in the development and ongoing evaluation of LLI.
LLI Resources
Extend your expertise by visiting the Resource Library for Study Guides, Samplers, Webinars, Tools and more or by checking out the Fountas & Pinnell Blog.
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