Genre Study
Genre Study promotes inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on reading comprehension and the craft of writing. Genre Study is available for grades K–8, in companion guides, student notebooks and bundled sets for instructional support.
What is it?
Genre Study is an inquiry-based approach to teaching genre. In exploring Genre Study, Fountas and Pinnell advocate teaching and learning in which students are actively engaged in developing genre understandings and applying their thinking to any genre. It is through genre understandings that your students think, talk, and read texts with deeper understanding, and write effectively.
Who is it for?
The Genre Study Suite is a set of professional and classroom resources that teachers can use with students in grades K–8 to embark on an exciting exploration into the study of genre.
What is inside?
Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Booksis the foundational text of the Genre Study Suite and the professional resource that teachers can use with students to embark on an exciting exploration into the study of genre.
Genre Study Quick Guide is the companion to Genre Study: Teaching with Fiction and Nonfiction Books. This spiral-bound companion is designed to help you actively engage students in the exploration of texts so that they can notice and name genre characteristics, and construct working definitions that guide their thinking as readers and writers.
Genre Prompting Guide for Fiction and Genre Prompting Guide for Nonfiction, Poetry, and Test Taking are comprehensive tools that you can use to explore genres with your students during interactive read-aloud, Readers' workshop, Writers' workshop, guided reading, shared reading, and intervention lessons.
How is it implemented?
An inquiry approach engages students in exploring texts so that they can notice and name the characteristics of each genre and construct a working definition that guides their thinking of reading and writing. Through immersion in mentor texts, students analyze and experience the characteristics that define genres, and develop understandings critical to deep comprehension of texts.
Whether you use one or all of the resources in the Genre Study Suite Fountas and Pinnell provide the tools needed to help you and your students lay the groundwork for a lifetime of literacy exploration.