Explore our intervention offerings below and our intervention resources in the Resource Library .
Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)

Leveled Literacy Intervention provides effective small-group instruction for students who find reading and writing difficult. With engaging leveled books, fast-paced systematically designed lessons, and a high level of built-in professional development, LLI empowers both teachers and students as together they work toward attaining reading and writing proficiency.
Explore what LLI is, what's included, how it's implemented, and gain access to samplers, research, webinars, and more.
Online Data Management System (ODMS)

The Fountas & Pinnell Online Data Management System for LLI was developed in response to the need for teachers and administrators to share data and monitor student and group progress. Teachers and administrators can easily generate reports to show progress at the individual, group, school, and district level.
- Collect, analyze, and report data on progress
- Determine the growth in instructional and independent reading levels over time
- Share data and customize reports according to district requirements
LLI Reading Record iPad® App

With in-app purchases available for each of the LLI systems, the LLI Reading Record iPad® App contains the texts for that system’s instructional books and records the following:
- Oral-reading rate and accuracy rate
- Self-correction ratio
- Fluency score and comprehension score
The LLI Reading Record App saves the record as a PDF, times the conference, and syncs the data to the Online Data Management System.