SEL Research
Field Study of Validity and Reliability: Sistema de evaluación de la lectura (SEL)
The Sistema de Evaluación de la Lectura (Sistema), Grados K–2, Niveles A–N is a formative assessment of reading in Spanish comprised of 28 high-quality original titles, or books, divided evenly between fiction and nonfiction. The Sistema measures decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills in kindergarten through third grade (mid-third grade). The set of books, recording forms, and other materials is an assessment tool for teachers, literacy specialists, and clinicians to use in determining students' developmental Spanish reading levels for the purpose of informing instruction and documenting reading progress. The Sistema is the Spanish counterpart to the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System in English, published in 2007 (revised in 2010) to critical acclaim.
A formative evaluation of the Sistema was conducted to ensure that (1) the leveling of the texts is reliable, and (2) the reading scores are valid and accurately identify each student's reading level. Click on the links below to review the results.
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BAS SEL Field Study Executive Summary

BAS SEL Field Study Full Report