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FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope
FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope Literacy Leadership, Research and Standards | PDF | 994 KB Free Free 02/26/2025
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FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope
FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope
Understanding how to read is not a single leap, but rather a dynamic and interconnected process. This is the approach championed by Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™—instruction that is comprehensive, research-based, and child-centered. This document provides an in-depth exploration of how Fountas & Pinnell resources align with the insights provided by Scarborough’s Reading Rope.

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FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope
FPL Alignment with Scarborough’s Reading Rope
Understanding how to read is not a single leap, but rather a dynamic and interconnected process. This is the approach championed by Fountas & Pinnell Literacy™—instruction that is comprehensive, research-based, and child-centered. This document provides an in-depth exploration of how Fountas & Pinnell resources align with the insights provided by Scarborough’s Reading Rope.


Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6
Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6 Research and Standards | PDF | 628 KB Members Only Members Only 02/26/2025
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Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6
Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6
This document is a guide for educators to see example of how the NY Next Generation English Language Arts Standards are met throughout the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ (FPC) system.

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Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6
Alignment of New York State Next Generation Standards for English Language Arts and Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™, Grade 6
This document is a guide for educators to see example of how the NY Next Generation English Language Arts Standards are met throughout the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ (FPC) system.


Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers
Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers Videos | Link | 10 min Free Free 01/29/2025
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Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers
Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers
Hear from National Sales Consultant, Liz McGrath, as she shows you how to engage your unengaged adolescent readers with Leveled Literacy Intervention Teal books–books that are relevant and age-appropriate with text structures and features, such as plots and characters that are worthy of thinking, talking, and writing about

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Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers
Webinar: How to Engage your Unengaged Readers
Hear from National Sales Consultant, Liz McGrath, as she shows you how to engage your unengaged adolescent readers with Leveled Literacy Intervention Teal books–books that are relevant and age-appropriate with text structures and features, such as plots and characters that are worthy of thinking, talking, and writing about


Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One
Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One Videos | Link | 1:00:00 Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One
Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One
In the first in this live webinar series, recorded 11/18/2017, literacy leaders Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell discuss the importance of working with parents and caregivers in order to for students to lead a well-rounded literate life. 

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Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One
Fountas & Pinnell Webinar: Let's Get Practical Series, Part One
In the first in this live webinar series, recorded 11/18/2017, literacy leaders Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell discuss the importance of working with parents and caregivers in order to for students to lead a well-rounded literate life. 


Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels
Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels Videos | Link | 1:01:05 Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels
Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels

Text levels are far more than a “number,” “score,” or “label.” Join literacy leaders Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, creators of the F&P Text Level Gradient™, for an important conversation on the power and purpose of TEXT LEVELS.

In this hour-long webinar, we untangle common misconceptions and right the reality on leveling, classroom libraries, and what Fountas and Pinnell say to districts mandating levels in ways they were not intended.

Put into practice practical tips on effectively utilizing levels in literacy instruction and communicating progress to parents/guardians.

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Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels
Webinar: The Power and Purpose of Text Levels

Text levels are far more than a “number,” “score,” or “label.” Join literacy leaders Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell, creators of the F&P Text Level Gradient™, for an important conversation on the power and purpose of TEXT LEVELS.

In this hour-long webinar, we untangle common misconceptions and right the reality on leveling, classroom libraries, and what Fountas and Pinnell say to districts mandating levels in ways they were not intended.

Put into practice practical tips on effectively utilizing levels in literacy instruction and communicating progress to parents/guardians.


Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar
Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar Videos | Link | 47:32 Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar
Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar

Watch a recording of our webinar "Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach". In it national Fountas & Pinnell consultant, Dr. Kathy Northcutt will: 

  • Provide an overview and rationale of the importance of an inquiry approach to genre study
  • Explain how genre study provides students with opportunities for comprehending
  • Explain how to use genre study within an authentic literacy framework

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Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar
Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach Webinar

Watch a recording of our webinar "Genre Study: The Inquiry Approach". In it national Fountas & Pinnell consultant, Dr. Kathy Northcutt will: 

  • Provide an overview and rationale of the importance of an inquiry approach to genre study
  • Explain how genre study provides students with opportunities for comprehending
  • Explain how to use genre study within an authentic literacy framework


Genre Study Suite Webinar
Genre Study Suite Webinar Videos | Link | 39:55 Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Genre Study Suite Webinar
Genre Study Suite Webinar
View this 30 minute overview of the Fountas & Pinnell Genre Study Suite presented by National Content Specialist, Terry Thomas, followed by a 10 minute Q&A. The Genre Study Suite is a comprehensive suite of resources that focuses on genre study through inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on reading comprehension and the craft of writing. An inquiry approach engages students in exploring texts so that they can notice and name the characteristics of each genre and construct a working definition that guides their thinking of reading and writing. This suite provides the tools needed to help you and your students lay the groundwork for a lifetime of literacy exploration.

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Genre Study Suite Webinar
Genre Study Suite Webinar
View this 30 minute overview of the Fountas & Pinnell Genre Study Suite presented by National Content Specialist, Terry Thomas, followed by a 10 minute Q&A. The Genre Study Suite is a comprehensive suite of resources that focuses on genre study through inquiry-based learning with an emphasis on reading comprehension and the craft of writing. An inquiry approach engages students in exploring texts so that they can notice and name the characteristics of each genre and construct a working definition that guides their thinking of reading and writing. This suite provides the tools needed to help you and your students lay the groundwork for a lifetime of literacy exploration.


Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar
Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar Videos | Link | 20 min Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar
Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar

Hear from National Consultant, Pam Kay, for this 30 minutes overview webinar to learn how The Fountas & Pinnell Select Collections can build your students' capacity to read fluently and engage in higher level standards by providing:

  • books to use for guided, independent, and take-home reading
  • opportunities to read an reread closely, to think, discuss, and deepen comprehension
  • fluency practice with increasingly more challenging texts
  • expansion of academic vocabulary and disciplinary knowledge
  • expanded language knowledge for English language learners

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Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar
Fountas and Pinnell Select Webinar

Hear from National Consultant, Pam Kay, for this 30 minutes overview webinar to learn how The Fountas & Pinnell Select Collections can build your students' capacity to read fluently and engage in higher level standards by providing:

  • books to use for guided, independent, and take-home reading
  • opportunities to read an reread closely, to think, discuss, and deepen comprehension
  • fluency practice with increasingly more challenging texts
  • expansion of academic vocabulary and disciplinary knowledge
  • expanded language knowledge for English language learners


A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning
A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning Videos | Link | 60 min Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning
A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning

Envision the ideal design for literacy and language instruction in your school. What does it look like? What student resources and professional learning opportunities propel learning? What are your beliefs and vision for the literacy lives of students in your school?  

Turning a vision into action requires the process of design—a plan for a system that works in a coherent way. The pursuit of coherence starts with a common vision, a culture of collaboration and a commitment to authentic literacy learning.  

Hear from literacy leaders Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell as together we will explore how to lift students’ learning beyond the walls of the classroom with texts and a blueprint for teaching that create authentic experiences in reading, thinking, talking, writing, and reflecting to realize what it truly means to live a literate life. 

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A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning
A Blueprint for Language and Literacy Learning

Envision the ideal design for literacy and language instruction in your school. What does it look like? What student resources and professional learning opportunities propel learning? What are your beliefs and vision for the literacy lives of students in your school?  

Turning a vision into action requires the process of design—a plan for a system that works in a coherent way. The pursuit of coherence starts with a common vision, a culture of collaboration and a commitment to authentic literacy learning.  

Hear from literacy leaders Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell as together we will explore how to lift students’ learning beyond the walls of the classroom with texts and a blueprint for teaching that create authentic experiences in reading, thinking, talking, writing, and reflecting to realize what it truly means to live a literate life. 


Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action
Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action Videos | Link | 56:46 Members Only Members Only 01/29/2025
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Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action
Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action

Book Clubs provide authentic opportunities for children to apply many of the literacy behaviors and understandings that they have learned through other instructional contexts: thinking within, beyond, and about the text; listening and understanding; interacting socially; engaging in extended discussions; and more. As they bring together much of their learning in this one context, children develop a sense of agency. The experience of exchanging ideas with their peers and co-constructing richer understandings of texts is genuinely rewarding. In this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn more about how to incorporate this important instructional context into your classroom.

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Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action
Webinar: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™: Put Book Clubs Into Action

Book Clubs provide authentic opportunities for children to apply many of the literacy behaviors and understandings that they have learned through other instructional contexts: thinking within, beyond, and about the text; listening and understanding; interacting socially; engaging in extended discussions; and more. As they bring together much of their learning in this one context, children develop a sense of agency. The experience of exchanging ideas with their peers and co-constructing richer understandings of texts is genuinely rewarding. In this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn more about how to incorporate this important instructional context into your classroom.


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