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Every Child, Every Classroom, Every Day: From Vision to Action in Literacy Learning

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In this article, published in The Reading Teacher, Vol. 72, Issue 1, July/August 2018, Fountas and Pinnell examine every child’s right, in every classroom, every day to live a literate life. Students deserve schools that are committed to a hopeful vision for their lives, both inside the classroom walls and beyond them. Improving literacy outcomes for every child is a goal worthy of educators' best efforts. This high goal is made more challenging due to shifting mandates in education that can leave literacy professionals and school leaders disoriented, seeking a guaranteed “fix.” Fountas and Pinnell propose a more coherent, effective way to attain this goal: thinking of the school as a system. The authors discuss four essential elements to designing a schoolwide system for literacy learning: a shared vision and set of core values; common goals, common language, and collective responsibility; a high level of teacher expertise; and a culture of continuous professional learning.

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