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Continuo de la lectoescritura totalmente en espanñol, Expanded Edition, PreK-8 Digital Sampler

Link | 10.2MB | Fountas and Pinnell

Fountas and Pinnell bring their unrivaled expertise, encompassing more than twenty-five years of research and classroom observation of literacy development, to the timely expansion and completion of the Continuo de la lectoescritura totalmente en español, Grados PreK–8. Use this indispensable literacy tool to guide your assessment, activate responsive teaching, and support your Spanish-speaking students’ language and literacy growth.

  • Inclusion of NEW literacy goals and characteristics of texts for grados 3–8 and text levels O–Z
  • Expanded behaviors and examples across the continua
  • First appearance of a behavior, goal or text characteristic is indicated by a red bullet
  • Clear organization of and explicit links to the Systems of Strategic Actions.

This must-have resource provides a vision of what Spanish-speaking students need to be able to do as competent readers, writers, and language users, and informs every aspect of your literacy teaching.

  The full version of this resource requires registration.

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