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FACILITATIVE TALK: Shaping a Culture of Professional Learning Over Time

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Reprinted with permission from THE READING TEACHER VOLUME 74, NUMBER 5, APRIL 2021.

The way we speak to each other is often so deeply ingrained as to be unconscious. We often use language automatically, without any thought: “How are you?” “Great job!” “No problem.” “I’m all set.” “Go for it!” Yet, the language we use matters. It has everything to do with what we believe; what we learn; how we perceive ourselves, events, and other people; how we affect other people; and how we work and live together.

Think about the many ways that people use a common language to shape their societies—not only large societies but also smaller communities, such as athletic teams and clubs, and workplace communities. Language is created by society, incorporating social values, and in turn, language influences the values of that society. Language, and the way we use it to represent ideas, people, places, events, and experiences, shapes our thinking and our values and influences the identities of others.

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